Tuesday, October 29, 2013


Don't ask me what I am doing with my face...but me and little baby Charlie at the Halloween party!! Haha. 

Elodie and Sebastian Barbaroux! Bishop and his wife! They are soo amazing. 

Dropping off Elder Uluave! My cute little Pau family. Love them so much.


None of you seem to have freaked out that I didn't write yesterday...so that is good. I was on trains all day yesterday so I didn't have any time to find a computer. So, obviously, I got transferred! I am in Limoges!
Only my first day so obviously I don't really know a lot yet...but I am super excited about this transfer. I love it here already! It is so pretty. And so much more of a city than Pau was. I am just such a city person...I just feel so in tune with myself when I am in a big city...
So yeah, President took sisters out of Pau for a transfer until all that n'importe de quoi clears up. It really wasn't a big deal. I am really sorry if I worried all of you! Honestly I had had like no sleep that night before and I was just super exhausted, and I really have no recollection of even typing that email...so yeah, I apologize. But everything is all good now! And I am excited for this transfer! I am with Soeur Loder, and I just love her already. I think our personalities are going to go really well together. She is like super just to the point and is honestly hilarious but just has super dry humor so a lot of people don't get her. But we are getting along already, I think it is going to be a good time working together. The only complaint I have this far is our apartment has a cockroach problem...so that has been fun. It is so sad because it is a nice big apartment buuut yeah. Super gross, and they haven't come up with a solution yet so we are just living with it....  Once again, it's amazing how much I learn on the mission. Like how to live with cockroaches! Haha.
I am really happy to be here, but honestly leaving Pau was super hard! Some of the members were so emotional on Sunday...it actually really touched me to see that. There were a lot of people who were really sad to see us go. And it was sad, but also made me realize how much work we actually did in Pau and how many people's lives we touched. So it was really cool. There is this one lady, her husband is inactive and has been for a really long time, so we were working with him quite a bit, and she was SO sad to see us go. It like really surprised me, it was really cool how much she cared about us. AND her husband showed up to the Halloween party on Saturday!! Just to see him inside the church. I was beyond thrilled.
Also, yeah.... ward Halloween party. It was such a good time. Sometimes being a missionary is just literally so much fun. Haha and I have been missing Halloween so much here! So it was great! BUT by far the highlight of my week was our musical night we put together. Oh. my. goodness. Best night on my mission thus far. It was absolutely AMAZING. I don't remember what I even said about it, but yeah we just all got together (as Pau missionaries) and decided to have a musical night. Mostly because Elder Carré is the best piano player in the whole ward and we just wanted him to play for the ward. Haha. Side note, Elder Carré is now in what we are calling as a mission the mission Backstreet Boys. President called like 5 Elders to be in a music group and there are just going to go around the mission playing for people and doing music firesides and things...so sick. 
But we put this music night together last minute, but it was such an amazing turnout!! SO many people came. And so many amis!! It was incredible. We had so many amazing people come that I honestly thought NEVER would come. But they did! It was amazing! Elder Carré played a lot of songs, then we had some members sing and play guitar, soeur D sang a couple really awesome songs (she has an amazing voice) annnd I read a poem. Haha! That is really all I can do I decided, is write. So Elder Carré played a hymn in the background, while we showed the video of the Savior in Gethsemane over a projector and I read a poem I wrote on The Atonement.
It was pretty awesome. So as you can tell... I am doing so great! Don't worry about me at all! 
I feel really good about this transfer. The only word I can really think of right now is just content. I feel super content right now. I am just really happy about life. Now content looks really weird to me. I hope that's a word in English..because contente is a word in French...
Oh also super happy thing about my French. Shared my testimony in French on Sunday because I was leaving...and I had SO many people tell me how impressed they were with my French, especially compared to the first week I was there. The bishop's wife was so dramatic about it and she was like YOU ARE GOING TO BE FRENCH MY THE ENTIRE OF YOUR MISSION!! And I was just like yup...that's the goal. Haha. So that was super motivating.
Also, I just HAVE to tell you the most hilarious thing from the week.
So we had this ami..who was honestly a pretty solid ami. Really searching for the truth. But honestly just a super awkward guy. Really really nice, but just like really weird social skills. Well, we were having a lesson last week, and at the end of the lesson he turns to Soeur D and says "I really need to tell you something and I haven't been able to talk to you alone." And then goes off on this 10 minute monologue.... and at the end...HE PROPOSED TO HER. Hahahahaha. Oh man it still makes me lose it. I am not even joking. He told her that she did not have to make the decision now, but that he wants her to think about it... Hahaha I have never laughed so hard or felt so awkward in my entire life.
C'est la vie de la missionaire....
It's too great.
I love you all so much! Keep doing what you are doing, I feel your love and I feel your prayers!!
You are so amazing!
Soeur Mag

Monday, October 14, 2013


I think I may have already sent you a picture of them...but the greatest family in the world.
Their story is amazing!!  Remind me to tell you someday. Haha.
Sooo one of the highlights of my week is we went and got SUSHI!! It is a long story how we ended up there. But yeah. It was the sushi place I have been dying to go to every time I walked past. I was so stoked!! And I just HAD to show you this. This wasn't how all the sushi was, but look! It is sushi with a crepe around it! So French. It was so good too. I was just dying. So fantastic.

From this morning with the cute stuff the Elders brought us!
So in dad's email to me this week he said that I seem to have a little bit of a theme with all my letters. Which I am not sure if I do intentionally or not. Maybe it is just the writer in me. hehe. So I was just thinking about the theme for my week this week.

(next email)
I really don't know what button I push sometimes that makes it send. I am sorry. I will try to not let that happen again. It really seems to always happen when I leave you with a cliffhanger though. Haha!
So, my theme for this week: Definitely love. Love in all forms. Okay, really that could be the theme of all of our lives. But it really has been something I have been thinking a lot about this week.
Love came in good and bad forms this week. This week it has really hit me how much I really love these people I am serving. I cannot explain it to you in words if I tried. I care for these people so immensely. And not just for them as people. I care for their salvation! There is just nothing more that I want than to teach people about their Savior, and teach them about the kind of happiness they can receive if they just simply FOLLOW Him! I really am involved in the most amazing labor of love. I am so glad Heavenly Father has blessed me with this love for these people. It really is what drives me.
But sometimes loving the people so much is what makes this work SO hard.
A couple stories from this week to explain.
First off, C--. Oh my sweet C--. He has killed me this week. Killed me with love, really. He is just the sweetest 18 year old Spanish/British guy in the world. Haha I don't know if I ever told you, but he is from Spain, but has a British accent when he talks English because his mom was British. He just is so great. Anyway, I am going to have to spare the details because it is a very personal thing for him. But this week he no longer became our ami. He has such a huge testimony. He knows this church is true. His prayers are the most amazing I have ever heard! But, he has a problem that he would have to be able to overcome in order to be baptized, and he doesn't believe he can. It is a really hard trial for him. And he told us this week he is so grateful for all we have taught him and he is going to keep coming to church, but he doesn't believe he can be baptized because of his situation.
I was so sad after our rdv. I just feel so sad for him, because he has such a desire! But, I have so much faith he is going to be baptized someday. I don't doubt it. So we are going to just keep loving him as much as we can!
We are kind of having a hard time with every single one of our amis. They all kind of seem to have stopped progressing for various reasons. So this week we are really kicking things into gear. But that is definitely a reason why this week has been a little tricky. I just love all of these people so SO much, and it kills me when they don't progress. When they don't understand just HOW happy this gospel can make them!
I am keeping the faith though. I think miracles can happen in these last two weeks of the transfer. And I am so ready for it!
But also...loving people is what makes this work SO fantastic!!
On Friday night we have young adult activities, and Fridays there is just always a lot going on at the church so lots of people are always there. And my goodness, have I mentioned how much I love this ward? Haha. They are sooo fantastic. Friday night we just had SUCH a blast with the young adults. I really have become like best friends with some of them. They are people I definitely want to keep in touch with. I just went to bed Friday just like so happy! I am pretty sure I was singing and dancing around the apartment.  I do that quite often though. Haha. But I just love when we get to have member experiences because I just love them all so much!
And to top off my love week, this morning was soo fantastic. So, there was a lot of things that have been going on.... I wish I had time to explain it all, but it doesn't really matter. There are just a lot of hard things lately. But honestly, I am just happier than ever. So, we had a pretty hard night last night. But Elder Uluave who we are serving with in Pau, who is also our district leader, called us last night and really helped. He is such a fantastic Elder. We have become such good friends. But anyway, this morning he sent us a text and said "Hey don't leave your house yet we are coming to bring you something" And so we walk downstairs, and they were standing there with pain au chocolats and chocolate cereal for us. Haha! It was just so cute. They were like "We just wanted to bring you the things that help us when we are sad." It really made my whole day. It is so amazing to feel cared for sometimes.
So there are just a few different examples from my week of l'amour!
I wish I could just sit for hours and write to you about everything that is going on. There is so much I don't have time to tell you! But just know I am so happy. I am so full of love! For everyone around me! Sometimes that is also hard because I just love and miss you all so much. But, I am so grateful to have a family I love so much!
Also, update on the guy I talked about last week from the bus! Oh my goodness he is golden. We had a rdv with him and he is just sooo ready to hear the Gospel. He literally said this; before we had even begun the lesson "Like I just don't understand, shouldn't there be modern revelation in the world today? There should be like prophets!" Yeah. That's when you know it is going to be a good lesson. I hope we see him again this week because we haven't set a rdv yet. But I am so excited to teach him!
Also, everyone seems to be asking me about my French. Haha. I just really don't know what else to say other than...yeah I really can't speak French. But I am definitely trying! And honestly, I have seen a lot of miracles. I think my companion and I are at the same level now and she has been here 7 months. It definitely is still going to take a lot of time because I am sooo far away from being where I need to be. But it is not my huge struggle like it is for some people. I can have conversations and teach really easily. I just have so much vocab to learn.
But honestly, I am so grateful I don't have to do this work alone. I have my Savior by my side. I have my amazing family cheering me on. I am just so happy. It is so hard. But it so unbelievably worth it.
I love you all so so much. I hope you are all doing well. And most of all, I just hope you are happy. That is all that matters.
I love you all!
Soeur Magleby

Monday, October 7, 2013

Bonjour ma famille!

This guy in our ward works at this amazing Bakery called Paul, and has recently decided to bring all the missionaries the left overs at the end of the night.
I have never seen so much bread and pastries in my entire life.
Kind of a little bit the best thing ever to be a missionary in France. Hehe.

A really bad picture of everyone at Conference! Missionaries in Pau and also the sisters from Tarbes. And Ailine, a member who is like our best friend. And yeah we definitely were squished in a tiny room watching it on a tiny computer. Do what it takes to hear conference in English...haha

Just trying to take pictures of random things you all might be interested in seeing.
This is my desk where I spend four hours a day. I like it. You are probably all on there somewhere. Hehe.
And yeah don't judge me....
I don't have much time to write this email because of this silly timer they have going on now at the library so I will try to get in everything that I can! Sorry. I spent too much time reading all of your fabulous emails and jumping up and down in my seat because I just love you all so much.
For starters.. just had a great time going to a Chinese buffet with all the elders in Pau today. It has been such a fun P-Day. Hanging out with the Elders is always such a fun time.  Conference was so great!! It is such a cool experience to watch General Conference as a missionary. It just is such a different feeling about it than I have ever had. Dad said to me in my email that we really feast upon the apostles words, and it is so true. And honestly just hearing everyone in every single prayer praying for the missionaries just gives me so much strength. It is absolutely amazing to think about how many people pray for us every single day. I know some days it is the only way I make it through.
This week has been so fun!! We had some really cool miracles. The coolest miracle I had this week was with this young guy named M--. So we were sitting at the bus stop, and he walked past. I had this little itch of a feeling to talk to him, but he was walking really fast and I didn't really want to stop him, so I let him walk past. (forwarning-this story will show you how sometimes I am really not this amazing missionary you all seem to think I am..haha) Anyway, about five minutes later, he comes back! And I just think to myself aw man there is some reason I really need to talk to this guy.. he is literally being put directly in my path. But he was listening to music and I just felt really weird about talking to him and I really am not sure why..so yeah I still didn't talk to him. And then he gets on our bus. And I get myself prepared and I tell myself "Okay, there is no way I am letting him get off the bus without talking to him." And then he literally STANDS RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME. For like 5 minutes. And then FINALLY I realize how stupid I am being and say the most stupid thing ever...but I just knew I had to say SOMETHING to him. Anyway. I just say something stupid and then we get to talking and long story short.... he is so super interested in learning and we have a rendez-vous tomorrow! Honestly the biggest miracles of it all is that HE called US. I didn't have time to get his number, so I just gave him ours..and he actually called us. Let me tell ya. That doesn't happen often. So yeah the biggest thing I have learned this week, and my biggest goal from now on is just to open my mouth! They talked about it a lot at Zone Conference this week. And that's exactly what I am going to do. Every second of every day.
Something funny from this week..I don't know if I have ever told you about the Le--'s. Which is so funny because they are just such a huge part of my life it is funny to thing you don't know them. I just assume you know everything. Haha. But they are a family in our ward, and they have the missionaries over every week. For 20 years. They have had the missionaries over. EVERY WEEK. So yeah, I have eaten there a lot. And they always serve the same thing. Anyway, this week Frère L-- just went a little crazy and decided he want to take all of us to McDonalds instead. And then he decides to order for us. And then he decides to get us EACH two Big Macs. Yeah for those of you that know me, you know how much I was dying. Because no way do you ever turn down food from members here. You just can't. And he is one of those that makes us eat so much.  Needless to say, I have not felt so sick in my entire life....it was hilarious.
Also I will just pretend I am not going to be like thirty pounds heavier when I get home. Haha.
Other than that, we are just teaching like crazy! We have 5 amis that we are teaching right now who are all really amazing. Only two progressing. But they are getting there!
This week I have really grown such a huge love for C--. I don't know how much I have said about him. But during a lesson we had this week I literally just got filled with the Spirit. I really felt like I just got the tiniest taste of what his Savior feels for him. It was like in that moment I wanted nothing more than for his salvation.  That is all that mattered to me in that moment.
Being a missionary is just so cool. Forgetting myself is such a blessing. And it is the greatest thing I could do for myself. This morning during personal study I read over my notes from my setting apart, and I got really emotional at this one part that says that I got blessed that when I feel alone, the Savior will help me to feel of my family's love for me and that they will be here with me.  It just hit me when I read that this morning because it is crazy how much I can literally feel you here with me. That is why a lot of times I forgot what I have and haven't told you because I feel all of you here with me. At all of my hardest moments. And the fun ones too.
You are always here with me.
Your prayers really do lift me up and keep me going.
I love all of you so much. I am so grateful to have such an amazing family.
I hope you all have a wonderful week!
Soeur Mag