Thursday, August 8, 2013

Goodbye MTC!

I'll be here in two days!

Me and my adorable teacher Soeur Echols! I don't have any with Frere Blosil yet because we will be taking those today..soo sorry. You'll have to see those probably in like 18 months. Haha.

Goodbye MTC!
Bonjour everyone!
Just thought I would sent a quick email since I don't have much time this morning-we are just doing laundry and getting everything packed and ready to go! This honestly feels so weird. But also I'm just so excited and ready. I feel like last week I was just absolutely terrified. But now, by some miracle, I am more excited than I am scared.
I'm going to be so incredibly lost. And it's going to probably be so much harder than I can even imagine right now. But I'm just so stoked.
I'm so ready to go and serve these people of France. I just pray so hard every single night, that I will be able to be the absolute best missionary that I can, and really be able to fulfill my potential. It's so funny, I'm so stressed about like being the best I can be. But as long as I literally am just working as hard as I can I think I will be able to fulfill my potential as a missionary. I just really want to be able to make my Heavenly Father proud. And to serve these people of France withabsolutely everything I can. With all my heart, might, mind, and strength. That's my goal. Is just to do my absolute very best. And I have absolute faith that as longas I do so, He will help me with the rest.
Just please keep praying for me-I'm going to need it in the next week. But I know all of you already do. I really do feel your prayers pushing me forward everyday. Thank you so much for that!
Also...keep praying for my feet. It appears to me that Satan can't get to my head-so he is trying to get to me through my feet. Haha. I'll be fine though-I just got Athelete's Foot this week.....yay....Haha seriously, just one thing after another! The doctor said it's a super mild case though-and it's not even itchy or anything. So I'm fine. It's just really gross. But I walked over to BYU yesterday and picked up some cream that should fix it. So, that's what the 10 dollar charge is on my card if you are wondering what in the world that is...I'm not really sure what I got it from. The doctor said it might be from the shower, because before me he had seen 3 cases of it just that day. But that's weird and nasty because I wear flip flops every time I shower. But who knows. I honestly think it might be from me just wearing shoes all day long.  My feet are not getting any air and just are not used to being enclosed all day long...what can I say. My feet hate me. But I keep pushing forward! It definitely could be a whole lot worse.
I honestly can't even remember what has been going on this week....I wish I had more to tell you! But nothing too exciting!  Sweet Soeur Crowley almost didn't make it to France..but yesterday she found out she is going to come with us on Monday.  So she is super excited. She seriously is the sweetest little English girl ever. I'm really grateful for her amazing example.
It's sad to leave this place, but I feel really grateful that me and my whole district are all leaving together! So our goodbyes won't even be that sad-because we will most likely all see each other in the field. I'm sure going to miss my two amazing teachers though. I feel so blessed to have had them. It's amazing how much I have learned in just a simple 6 weeks.  There have been many ups and downs as I'm sure there will continue to be so, but I'm so ready for the challenge!  I just know that no matter how many downs..the ups will always be worth it.
I just can't even describe in words how lucky I am to be here, at this age in my life. I'm learning so much everyday and becoming a whole new person. I'll have learned so many amazing life lessons at such a young age. I'm so grateful for my Heavenly Father to have entrusted me with this task. I'm going to work as hard as I can to make Him proud, and to make all of you proud.  I want to be able to come home with absolutely no regrets, and know with all of my heart that I did my absolute best-no matter what the outcomes.
I love you all so much. I'm so grateful for your prayers. Things are probably going to be crazy for forgive me if my next few letters are not as positive as all my letters from the MTC. But I'll just have to get the hang out it-and things will get better. I'm so stressed about it....but I know the language will come!
I love you all so much. Thank you for everything. Your support means everything.
Don't ever forget how much your Father in Heaven loves you, and all he desires is to have you live with Him again. I'll talk to you on Monday! I have no idea how long I'll have to talk-but let's hope I will have time!  If I don't call you before my flight leaves at 11..there is a chance I could call from my layover. But I really have no idea.
Try to be patient with me, and if I end up not getting to call..I'm really sorry. But I'm going to try really hard.
I love you!  Here I go-off to my biggest adventure yet!! And I couldn't be more excited!
-Soeur Magleby

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