With her family, and our bishop who baptized her. |
The 4 who got baptized on Saturday and the people who baptized them. So much white. Such a beautiful sight to see :) |
Well...you already know what I am going to write about this week.
This week was one of the most miraculous that I have had on my entire mission. It is honestly something that I will not be able to describe to you in words. But, I am going to do my best :) First off, I am staying in Lyon another transfer! And my new companion is Soeur Bragg...yup, THE Soeur Bragg!! :) It was honestly really sad to have to see Soeur Richardson go...she was a great comp., but my goodness when we got our calls we both just called each other and started screaming. I can't believe this is actually happening. Not only are we reunited from the MTC...but she is one of my favorite comps I have had. We get along so well. I am soo excited for this transfer. We are going to absolutely just tear it up in Lyon. Well, we are going to do our best! This is just such a city of miracles. It is absolutely incredible.
Speaking of miracles...
So this weekend I got to see two people making a covenant with God. Actually, I got to see 4. We had 4 baptisms here in Lyon. It was so amazing to see. 3 of them were from our ward. So on Sunday we got to have 3 confirmations in a row! It was so fun.
Saturday was such a beautiful day. I am so in love with Michal and Barbara. In the least creepy way possible. They are so absolutely amazing. I honestly can't explain what it feels like. To watch these people enter the waters of baptism. I feel really blessed as well, because I got to teach both of them from the very beginning. And I got to see them to gain a testimony. And to come unto Christ. And then follow him by being baptized. I am just so overwhelmed every single time I witness a baptism by the amazing spirit that I feel. It to me is just something so real. Almost tangible. I can just feel so deeply that this is the truth. And that this choice these people are making is the best choice they will ever make. And it will change the rest of their life.
But there was this one moment at the baptism that was by far my favorite :) All 4 of them decided they wanted to share their testimonies at the end. And it was literally the most beautiful thing I have ever witnessed. B--. She got baptized only a short like 3 and a half weeks after witnessing the miracle that I wrote to you about. She saw a true miracle of the Priesthood. And she let it change her life. And 3 weeks later...she was baptized into this church. Because she knew she couldn't deny the truthfulness of the miracle she saw. Teaching her was so easy. She accepted everything. Although, I always worried just a little bit if she had a real testimony of the gospel and if it was more than just believing in Jesus Christ. And then she got up there on Satuday. And talked about this miracle she witnessed. And talked about how this day has changed her life. And she knows it is true. And you could just feel that she really knew it. And then when she got confirmed on Sunday she was just radiating. Annnd she already paid her tithing. Haha. She is so unbelievable.
And then Michal. Sweet little Michal who had sooo many doubts! And just kept asking us over and over about how in the WORLD we can say that we know the church is true. And how this church is different. And not understanding why he would need to be baptized again. But, he wanted to know. So he read. And he prayed. And the Spirit worked absolute wonders with him. We had so many lessons with him where I feel like we just put our heart and soul into testifying to him because we wanted him SO BADLY to know it for himself. And to see him get up in front of everyone. And in his sweet simple French bear a beautiful testimony. And for him to say "Je sais que l'église est vrai." (I know the church is true.) I literally couldn't hold back the tears.
There is no greater joy in this life than to help people come unto the Savior.
I can't even explain how grateful I am to be a missionary. I feel like I am being blessed way more than I deserve. I just am so dang happy. Even if I am so unbelievably exhausted. ....it is worth it. Haha.
I love this work so much. I love my Savior so much. I know this work is true with all of my heart. And I just don't know how I got so lucky.
I love you all so much. Thank you for everything, as always.
Don't forget how much your Savior loves you. Come unto Him and He will come unto you.
Love you!!
Soeur Magleby