Monday, September 29, 2014


Hi everyone :)

First off, I apologize. I don't have the full time to email this this probably won't be the longest email. We spent the day at President Roney's house and so we got to emails a little late. Not gonna was worth it though :) I literally have the best mission president ever. We spent all afternoon playing pêtanque... you all probably have no idea what it is. It is a french game that I am kind of obsessed with.

Well, I feel like every week all I have been doing is telling you all over and over again about crazy miracles every single week...and this is another one of those weeks! Sometimes when I don't have time to write in my journal (which is....everyday) I just make a bulleted list of great things that have happened that week. So, I am going to do the same to you today.

  •  First point on the list, this Saturday is September 27th. The day our mission has been preparing for.  And we are going to have 2 baptisms :) Well...we hope. Obviously we never know what will happen. But we have just seen AMAZING miracles this week. The first is B--. I already told you all about her. She is wonderful and just seriously so prepared. She is so excited for her baptism.
  • The second is an ami we have named Michal. I don't think I have ever told any of you about him..but we started to teach him like the first day I got here. And he is soooo awesome. He is Polish, and speaks pretty decent French but we have had a bit of a language barrier. But honestly, it has just help me to learn how to teach simply which has been great. Anyway, he is just so sincere and he seriously has been searching for the truth. He has been reading like crazy in the Book of Mormon and has been progressing so great the whole transfer, but he has just let his doubts and fears get in the way of baptism. But we knew that he was ready for this Saturday. So we had a couple rdvs this week where we just sat him down and we were pretty much like "Michal. You know this is true. What is stopping you from being baptized??" and we had this really great moment where we were teaching in the institute and a bunch of members showed up and we were all sitting in a circle just testifying to him like crazy about how this is the true church. It was honestly one of the coolest moments of my mission. I felt the spirit sooo strong. It was so cool to be able just to look around that room and see how much everyone just KNEW with all of their soul that this church is true. I just can't get over how grateful I am to my Heavenly Father for blessing me with a testimony of this Gospel. Anyway, so we just really engaged him to pray to know. And last night we sat down with him and we just said "Alright Michal, it is time. Have you gotten your answer?" and it took him like 2 minutes to respond but then he just goes "Oui, je suis prêt" (yes, I am ready.) Haha and me and my comp had to do EVERYTHING we could to not freak out right then and there. So yeah, he was our huge miracle of the week. I am so so excited to see this Gospel change his life. It already has.
  • One of our amis said a prayer for the first time this week. And it was adorable. And she prayed so perfectly. And also she prayed that I will live in New York City and be able to study cinema. Haha. It was hilarious and so adorable. It was seriously just one of the sweetest moments in the world, I thought I had to share it with you. So you know, it probably is going to happen now.
  •  Sonia is still doing amazing. She is leaving for Spain this week so we sadly won't be able to see her for a couple weeks :( But she is getting baptized as soon as she gets home!! We are already planning her temple trip in October...she is incredible.
  • Funniest moment of the week. We went to a baptism on Satuday for the elders in one of the wards here in Lyon, and we went into the room to perform the ordinance...and we opened up the baptismal font and the water had ALL DRAINED. Haha all of our hearts just sunk. One of the elders apparently bumped something and all the water was gone....we then spent the next 30 minutes just running around the chapel like maniacs throwing buckets of water into the font. Haha. It was super stressful, but also sooo hilarious. It was such a funny moment. Mostly because everything ended up working out :) They just had to do the baptism at the end.

Really, I just love my life. I haven't talked much about my companion this transfer...but honestly, we have had such a blast of a transfer together. I have never been so exhausted but I have never had so much fun either. I feel so blessed to have been able to work with her. But sadly this is her last week in the mission field. I have never killed a companion before...and honestly it is kind of weird. Mostly just sad. There are lots of tears, haha. But yes this is transfer week so things will be changing next transfer, so I will let you know next week. I (most likely, I guess you never know) I won't be leaving though. I better not! I love Lyon way too much :)

I just love my life. I really don't know what to say other than that. I am so blessed that I can't even comprehend it. I am so grateful for my Heavenly Father. I am so grateful to be able to feel of His love for me, every single day. It is the best feeling in the world. Gosh, I am just seriously so excited to spend the rest of my life serving Him with all of my heart.
I love you all so so much. Thank you for everything you do for me. I hope you have a wonderful week!
Bisous! Ciao!
Soeur Magleby

P.S. pictures for the week. I will definitely have some next week though!

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