Monday, September 8, 2014

Beyond words.

We had a day this week where we teamed up with the Paris mission to try to find 1,000 new people to teach! It was fun. This...we were commanded to eat this pastry called a "mille feuille" for lunch :)
.....more food. Haha. This is how we celebrate getting a new engagé. Patisseries!

At our bishop's house...I just ADORE their family. They are so wonderful. 
Me and Soeur Bragg on our exchange!! It was so fun.

I hope you all have had a wonderful week. This is been just ANOTHER week of crazy amazing miracles.... I have been just waiting ALL WEEK to tell you about the crazy things that have happened!! Things have happened to me this week that are beyond words. Things I can't even describe. But miracles that have built my faith like crazy.

They are both continuation miracles from the two miracles I talked about last week :)

Starting with Barbara. Remember that girl that I talked about last week, the one who was suuper sick and then got the blessing and was literally healed? Yeah. As if that wasn't a cool enough miracle. The miracle continues! We set up another rdv to go see her this week because obviously we knew this would be a perfect time to start teaching her..and it was incredible. She obviously had a bunch of questions on the priesthood. So we taught her the retab and then talked a lot about the priesthood. And then we got to the end and started to bring up baptism, and she was like "Oh yeah, after Sunday, I am coming to church all the time. All the time." And we were like "Sooo...baptism?" And she was just like "Um...YES. When does it work for you?" Haha. It was literally the easiest baptismal date I have ever set. She is SO ready. We set her date for September 27th :) I don't remember if I told you...but that is the big day in our mission where we are trying to have as many baptisms as we can. And we have a goal to have at least two baptisms that day, so it really was a HUGE miracle. She was going around at church everyday telling everyone "I am getting baptized!" It was so cute. She is so SO wonderful. :)

And the miracles don't end there. It also continues with Sonia. She is the one that found the Book of Mormon in a library in Spain and read the whole thing...we had one of the absolute coolest lessons I have ever had on my entire mission this week. And plus I was on exchange with my MTC comp Soeur Bragg :) so it was super cool to be able to have this crazy awesome moment together. We knocked on the door and as soon as she answered it I could just tell she had something to say. And she almost dragged us in her apartment and sat us down on the couch. And she told us she had something incredible to tell us. And she was shaking. She then proceeded to tell us that the night before, she had done as we had asked, and she had prayed to know if the Book of Mormon is true. And then that night she had a dream. I will probably spare the details just fro her privacy, but she described to us a beautiful dream in which she was dressed all in white. And Joseph Smith was in it. And he layed his hands on her head. And as she was telling us she said "When he put his hands on my head..I just felt this peace. This peaceful feeling that is beyond anything I have ever felt before in my whole life. It was incredible." 

When she finished telling us Soeur Bragg and I just like sat there in shock for a second. And then we asked her what she thinks and about the book of Mormon now...and she said, "I know it is true." It was one of THE coolest moments on my entire mission. The Spirit that was in the room was incredible. I honestly was holding back tears.

It is moments like that on my mission that I will never be able to deny the Spirit witnessing of the truth that was in that room. Those moments like that built my testimony SO much. It is amazing to see how much Heavenly Father loves His children and truly answers their sincere, faithful prayers. She is going to be baptized as well :) Obviously. We just have not been able to fix a date with her yet because she is going to Spain and doesn't know for how long.

I will never understand how I got blessed to be a part of all this. How in the world did I get so blessed that Heavenly Father has entrusted me with His children?

This week was awesome, obviously. Just miracles after miracles! And some really great exchanges with sisters that teach me so much.  I am truly just loving every minute of my life these days. ...okay except for 6.30 in the morning. Sometimes I am not super in love with my life then.

BUT all the rest of the day I am just so dang happy!
I absolutely adore Lyon. And honestly...absolutely AMAZING things are happening in the mission right now. We are all teaching way more than we ever have. Heavenly Father is hastening His work here. It is so amazing to see, and to be able to be a part of it! I have never had such an awesome, exhausting, and hardworking time on my whole mission. And I just love it.

I love my life more than I can really describe it. I just love being so close to my Heavenly Father. I have been working on my prayers lately...and it feels like I am just having a conversation with someone who knows me so well. It is the coolest feeling. And the most comforting.
I love you all. Thank you for your prayers. They really help.
Bisous! Je vous aime!
Soeur Magleby

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